Sacred Heart School is located in the historic City of Ipswich. The history of the Sacred Heart School is entwined with that of the Booval Parish and the Sisters of Mercy.
We are a community that models itself on the Charism of Love and Service through the example of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is articulated through out school motto
Amare est Servire, To Love is to Serve. Our Vision for our school is to develop the spirit, mind and body of each student by fulfilling our mission of living the Catholic Faith and delivering a holistic education, to support the development of lifelong learners based on Christian values.
We are committed to providing quality, contemporary learning opportunities for all students. We are dedicated, professional staff who work collaboratively to ensure the best possible education for each child. As well as providing a comprehensive curriculum for students, we include extra curricula activities such as Band, Choir, Wakakirri and Sport activities.
Sacred Heart Booval is a vibrant and welcoming community which develops positive and inclusive relationships.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Sacred Heart School (2023)