On behalf of our school community, I warmly welcome you to the website of Sacred Heart School, Booval. I have had the pleasure of leading this wonderful community since July 2019.
At Sacred Heart, the Gospel inspires us to lead, love and learn with heart for the benefit of our whole Catholic Community.
The Sacred Heart Catholic Mercy tradition calls us to serve with love, lead with courage and be people of excellence. We are a contemporary community of faith; celebrating, inspiring and living the Gospel.
At Sacred Heart, students feel safe, valued and loved. They have the strength of character to persevere and be resilient lifelong learners. Learning in our school is engaging, inclusive, rigorous and innovative. We have high expectations for all learners.
Strong and positive partnerships with families, the Parish, and the wider community exist in our school community that improve students' opportunities and learning outcomes.
The teachers and staff at Sacred Heart teach and lead with integrity, are passionate, and are student-focused. There is a collective responsibility for student growth underpinned by a strong culture of school improvement.
My vision is that Sacred Heart continues to be a collaborative, nurturing and professional learning community that includes all. I believe that every student should be given the opportunity to achieve excellent progress every year.
Previous to my position at Sacred Heart School, I was the Foundation Principal at St Clare's Primary School, Yarrabilba, and Principal at St Joachim's Catholic School, Holland Park. I have held Assistant Principal roles and education consultancy roles within Brisbane Catholic Education. Sacred Heart is the sixth Catholic school in which I have worked, and I have taught all year levels from Prep - Year 7. I have also held an executive officer role at the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (QCEC), where I worked with education leaders across Queensland.
I encourage you to take some time to explore our site, and I invite you to contact me if you have any further enquiries.
Peace and Blessings,
Chris Thomas - Principal
Bachelor of Education (1997)
Graduate Diploma in Religious Education (2009)
Masters in Religious Education (2011)

© Brisbane Catholic Education, Sacred Heart School (2023)